Board of Trustees

Mr. Gerald Bruce '78 - Chair
Mr. James W. Jordan '88 - Vice Chair
Ms. Jalila Parker - Secretary*
Mr. Henry Lancaster, II '76 - Parliamentarian

Ex Officio Trustees
Honorable Josh Shapiro, Governor*
Dr. Khalid N. Mumin, Acting Secretary of Education**
Dr. Brenda A. Allen '81, President

University Trustees
Mr. Van Corbin '81
Dr. Tanya Garcia
Dr. Wilbert LaVeist ‘88
Mr. Bertram L. Lawson II ‘98
Mr. Everett Love ‘94
Ms. Tamara May
Dr. Mary Johnson-Osirim
Mr. John “JP” Petty III
Ms. Jayla Turner, Student
Dr. Corey D. B. Walker

Alumni Trustees
Mr. Steven Board '81
Ms. Lorella Dicks ‘80
Mr. Michael Hancock '88
Dr. Tiffany L. Harrison '08
Ms. Lisa MB Johnson '85
Dr. Rodney S. Ridley '87

Commonwealth Trustees
Mr. Robert L. Archie, Jr. '65
Mr. Owen Cooks
Honorable Andrew E. Dinniman
Mr. William F. Dunbar '05
Ms. Nandi Jones-Clement '94
Mr. Steven Kenric Lewis '94
Dr. Charmaine Spence Rochester
Mr. Jose Sabastro
Ms. Sandra F. Simmons
Mr. Kevin E. Vaughan

Faculty Representative
Dr. Karen Baskerville

Emeritus Trustees
Dr. William E. Bennett '50
Dr. Walter D. Chambers '52
Dr. Theodore Robb
Dr. Kenneth M. Sadler '71

Governor's Representative*

Secretary of Education's Representative**
Dr. Kate Shaw

Office of the Board of Trustees
Phone: 484-365-8107
Fax: 484-365-7150
International Cultural Center